Monday, 14 July 2014

Three Indian Rat Snakes(Ptyas mucosa) a day keeps the rats, frogs & lizards away...!!!

Three Indian Rat Snakes(Ptyas mucosa) a day keeps the rats, frogs & lizards away...!!!

As the Rat Snakes are non-venomous and most commonly found snake in India with a wide range of habitats... they mostly feeds on frogs,rats,toads,lizards,bats,bird(eggs) etc... and they are diurnal hunter which means active by day and night... and very good climber with amazing speed... can grow up to 11 fts... so this is the strong reason that they prefer to enter into human population in search of easy available food and shelter and due to this humans does have unknown encounters by this snakes almost in every season

A fine morning of 7th July 2014... Rescued 3 Indian Rat Snakes at various locations...!
I- The first call was from lokhandwala (Andheri-west) the snake was near parking plot of the residential building...!

 II- The second call was from Panchtantra heights, Versova,Yari road(Andheri-west) the snake was inside the flat on 14th floor of the same building... but could not find it as it was very familiar by the place around to hide... so i left... than with in half an hour the snake was again spotted at the same place by one of the watchman... he just kept an eye on the snake closing all the opening of the flat including doors and windows... and thus the snake was rescued successfully...

III- The third call was from again at lokhandwala side but at different location. near kaveri society,millat nagar(Andheri-west) this was an easy rescue but had to take care as the snake was about to escape... but did handle the situation and rescued the snake...

Very happy to save these non- venomous snakes as they keep an active control on rats and many small creatures with in the residential societies and also plays an vital role in food chain...!!! All of these snakes were released back to wild on the same day...

Thank you all for reading my post...!!!

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